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2018.01.23 San Fransisco fog


For the first time, in august 1991, we went to the USA for a 3-week holiday to California. We traveled in a camper. What impressed us most were the National Parks: Sequoia, Kings Canyon, Yosemite, Lassen Volcanic Park.

Coming back from Lassen we followed Route 1 along the Pacific coast and ended up on a campground some 35 miles north of San Francisco. The next day we decided to take the bus from the campground to San Francisco. Already early in the morning, we arrived there in lovely weather.

Around 3 pm, during our visit to some historic ships on the Hyde Street Pier, we saw a fog entering San Francisco Bay. The sun was still shining and it was warm, so we had no clue what was about to happen. Within an hour we got very cold. In particular, since we wore our summer shorts.

This afternoon we relived our San Francisco experience while walking along the beach here in La Herradura. Within a couple of minutes the fog you see in the picture came in from the sea and the temperature lowered instantly with at least 5 degrees Celsius.


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