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2018.02.27 Bureaucracy prevails


They did warn us [11]

We had more fun today watching the birds flying up above the sea than we had trying for the umptieth time to get an NIE.

Either we are total knobheads, or the system here sucks big time.

As they advised us in Málaga we went to the police station in Torre del Mar this time. In Motril, Málaga, and Léganes you can’t enter the police station without a cita previa – an appointment – you have to make through the internet.

Not in Torre del Mar. Here you can’t make an appointment in advance. Here you have to go to the police station at 7:30/8:00 a.m., queue up outside and wait for someone who is gracious enough to hand you a number. And mind you, they have a specific amount of numbers – once they have handed them all out, everyone later in the queue has tough luck.

Stupid system. I am about to give in.


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