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2018.05.27 Angels and fireworks


This weekend was La Isla Fun Fest on the beach of Puerto de Mazarrón. We’re not the partying types, but as part of getting to know the area, we had to join of course.

Yesterday evening we watched the fuegos artificiales. In the Netherlands, there are fireworks on December 31 which are done by the people who want to spend money on it. Usually, I don’t like it very much. In Spain, the fireworks are conducted by professionals.
As was this one. It didn’t last long, but it was beautiful.

On our way to the fireworks, we passed the circus and the fair. Two years ago, when I was babysitting in Martorell, I received a singing birthday card from my best friend about a circus. It’s a song that sticks and every time I see a circus or even a poster announcing one, this song starts playing in my head!

Tonight we went again to the beach to see the Paseo en globo. LOL, I expected lots of big balloons going up in the sky like the balloon festival in my hometown. This was one balloon going up about 10 meters with a couple of persons and down again to load some other people. Repeat.

I must admit this way it is easier to take pictures of a big balloon. When they go up in the sky they are gone.


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