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2018.06.26 Artificial grass

Artificial grass

Not so long ago, there lived someone in Spain who accused all the Spaniards to be lazy. This is false. Spain is a very industrious nation.

Take for instance the artificial grass you see in the picture and which is located somewhere along the boulevard of Puerto de Mazarrón. It’s green and will not get arid, despite incessant sunshine. It’s well kept, all the leaves are the same length. It stretches neatly on the ground. It doesn’t require irrigation. You can walk and picnic on it. The seawind and seawater and the sand of the beaches have no effect whatsoever on the grass. Dogs can do their thing on the lawn. No harm done: if the ‘grass’ get’s too dirty you can wash it.

In short, once rolled out this artificial lawn hardly requires any maintenance. Moreover, this lawn is the best proof of Spain as a diligent nation. Regular grass needs mowing at least once a week and spraying for hours perhaps every day during the hot summer. So, artificial grass creates a lot of spare time that Spaniards can invest in strolling along the beach or in the world-renowned siesta or in drinking coffee or having dinner. Or even maintaining one of the many, usually foreign-owned, green golf courses that are provided with natural grass. Who would dare call that lazy?


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