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2018.07.15 Empty passeo

Paseo, Cartagena

This picture is taken on a Sunday morning at eleven o’clock on the paseo along the Puerto Deportivo of Cartagena. We’ve been on this paseo already several times and love it. But we’ve never seen it so empty.

That it is so empty is not very obvious. The paseo is next to the city center. The weather was lovely and in the morning it was not yet too hot. Moreover, a Sunday is a day off and many Spaniards use this day to get out to entertain themselves, and strolling along the waterside is their favorite pastime.

So Hannie came up with the suggestion that they were all strolling along the beach of Puerto the Mazarrón. Or any other beach in the vicinity of the city.

But when we arrived at the Centro Commercial Espacio Mediterráneo it all at once became clear. We had to do some errands and many shops are open on Sunday. And there we found the citizens of Cartagena. In the shops, spending their money and keeping their heads cool. Because, oh boy, how cold it was in these shops!


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