It’s no use complaining that you’re getting older. You just need practical solutions. Like aseos when you need one.
The beautiful white and blue striped cabin in the picture is such an aseos (W.C.). For men and for women.
By the way, the Spanish have some interesting words for these ‘rooms of recess’: cuarto de descanso, retrete, lavabo, baño, inodoro, servicios, excusado, guardarropa, vestuario, and consigna.
However, the last three words also refer to a cloakroom. And yes, during the season these cabins are widely used to transfer from wet into dry clothes. Taking up much of the pressure and pressing time for little or big ‘dispatches’.
Another problem with this convenient service is that they are only open during verano. The summer that is. Adding to the discomfort is that any alternatives, such as bars and restaurants are also closed during the off-season.
For men, the palm trees that often border the beach are a, somewhat shady, alternative. Although you don’t have to be afraid that you will piss them off. Even heavy hurricanes stand little chance against these hardy trees.
But for women, the bottom of a palm tree is barely a spot to relieve themselves. No matter how ingenious most women are if it comes to ‘clogged excretion’.
Alternatives are bathrooms in libraries, plazas de abastos (mercados), supermarkets, shopping malls, museums, schools, hospitals, healthcare centers, and old pensioners’ homes. Moreover, the last three examples offer the opportunity to experience the perks of really getting old and relish the sustained proximity of a bathroom.
Well, as we usually say: accept any opportunity with an open mind, open arms, and ease.