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2018.10.10 Un ordenador sobre ruedas

A new Volvo

Un coche moderno es un ordenador sobre ruedas was the first thing car salesman Pepe told us when four months ago we signed a contract to buy a new Volvo xc 40. A modern car is a computer on wheels. And today he tried to explain to me how this ordenador works.

Fortunately, the car still has an engine under the hood, some pedals on the floor, a steering wheel, and a stick shift at the right hand. But some computer freaks want even those things to become obsolete. Except for the engine of course.

This car has a well-sized i-pad in the console and all the amenities that come with a new car. As with the old car, it will probably take me a lifetime to get to know it. For now, the first kilometers I drove in it felt good. What else is there to expect from a Volvo?


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