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2018.12.06 Veroño in the Sierra de Espuña

Let it be a coincidence, but from the day we moved into our new house, the weather has been absolutely marvelous. It turns out this type of weather has a name in Spain: Veroño. It’s a mix of verano and otoño – summer and autumn. They call it like this when the temperatures are way higher than they … Read more

2018.10.22 Santa Eulalia de Mérida

This is the Santuario de Santa Eulalia de Mérida. Already since 1644, Eulalia is the patrona (patroness) of Totana, a small village that lies at the end of a winding road of some seven kilometers. The Santuario (Sanctuary) looks brand new, but it was finalized at the end of the sixteenth century. The devotion to … Read more