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2018.02.07 La Viñuela


Today we visited La Viñuela. A small ‘green’ village some 15 minutes by car from where we live. La Viñuela is close to the Embalse de La Viñuela. A water reservoir which at the moment contains 15-21% of its capacity.

In La Viñuela we walked a small part of the Ruta Del Agua. It’s an easy route mostly along a streamlet. It’s famous because of many fuentes (a well which is usually a pipe sticking out from a wall).

This time of year here all kinds of trees are full of fruits. Oranges and mandarins are easy to spot because of their striking colors. Along the Ruta Del Agua, we also saw a lot of avocados. They are less easy to spot, but as you can see from the picture, the tree is crowded with them.

Now that’s probably another reason why they call this ruta the Ruta Del Agua. Avocados need a lot of water to grow.


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