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How Well Do you Understand your Everyday Communication?

Do you Understand your Everyday Communication?

The older I get the more aware I am of the peculiarities in my everyday communication. After all these years I think I understand everything and do not need to explain too much.

For most of the time that is true. But on some occasions, my ears are tuned to what I want to hear and my partner asks where I am with my head.

These are the moments that I become aware that nothing is more complicated as good communication. In this article, I will try to explain what makes good communication so difficult.

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Avoid Loneliness. How to Make Friends When you are Older?

Avoid Loneliness. How to Make Friends When you are Older?

Years ago, when all my friends were either occupied by working very hard or by doting on grandchildren and babysitting them, I was convinced I needed new friends. I was equally convinced it’s impossible to make friends when you are older!

Negative or limiting beliefs serve nobody. And being convinced it is not possible to do something is a sure guarantee I won’t be able to do it. Duh.

I am so glad I was wrong, but I only realized this when I read some posts in one of the Facebook groups I am in.

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How to Effectively Write with Confidence

How to Effectively Write with Confidence

The other day someone asked me whether I write a lot. I said I don’t know. What’s a lot? I write once a day a post on facebook. Sometimes two or three. And an article for our websites a couple of times a week. Such as this one. Writing is important for me because it keeps the grey matter fit. Which is one of our goals.

The person who asked me the question would love to write, but felt insecure. So I explained how he could overcome this insecurity. This article is an extended version of my explanation: How to effectively write with confidence.

Given our experiences, the most important tip is to write a lot. The more the better. No writer is born a star-writer. Every single one of them became better in time after writing thousands of words.

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2018.01.08 ¿Hablas español?

I had a Spanish trial lesson today. The school in La Herradura only offers individual classes or group conversation lessons. My other courses all were group lessons and I wasn’t sure whether I would like a one on one lesson, hence the trial. As a present from the school, I not only had my trial … Read more