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2018.11.26 A new house to our liking

New house

We bought a house today!! We are sooo happy that in the end, we did succeed to find something we both like. It was an enduring process but really worthwhile the effort. Given all the houses we saw and lived in this is the best house so far.

We had to change some of the wishes we had on the list. For instance: this house is not near the coast, what I wanted. And it has a pool, which neither of us wanted. Ironically, it even is the biggest pool on the block. 😀

But the build of the house is very solid. And – big advantage – it has two heating systems. Most Spanish houses don’t even have one system.

The experience at the notary was also what we call ‘interesting’. Our solicitor was brilliant and in fact, did all the work as far as we could notice. He explained the whole Spanish purchase deed to us. When he was finished the notary and the representative of the sellers came rushing in. Didn’t bother to give us a hand or introduce themselves.

The notary read the purchase deed again but in speed Mach 3. When she was finished she rushed out of the room to return 10 minutes later with the printed papers. We both signed and all of a sudden she was gone. No goodbyes, no anything.

I know we have to stop comparing to how things go in the Netherlands. After all, we are in Spain, we are the extranjeros and we have to adjust. But we couldn’t help ourselves looking at each other in astonishment. So this was the whole process. It took almost 2 hours, nobody bothered to offer a drink, and all of a sudden you are sort of kicked out of the office.

The most important thing is: we have a house! 🙂


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