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2018.10.28 Another extended walk

El Alamillo

This roundabout marks the start of one of the outskirts of Puerto de Mazarrón: El Alamillo. And at the same time marked the halfway point of our walk today.

It was exactly an hour to get here, the same amount of time half of the walk yesterday took us. But since the route was a bit more difficult we didn’t exactly walk the same distance, although still a respectable 8,5 km.

We were lucky to find a restaurant here as well.

This time we didn’t take a montadito, but a tostada con tomate. As you might know, we changed our lifestyle last year. And when you ban sugar from your diet, you’re not that keen anymore on cakes or other sweet stuff. The tostada is a really good replacement.

Satisfied we went on our way home. And getting there, we were very proud of ourselves.


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