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My Affiliate Marketing Experience as a Beginner – First 6 Months

My Affiliate Marketing Experience as a Beginner - First 6 Months

When I sold my house in the Netherlands I retired from my 35-year old graphic design studio as well. Most of my clients were my age and retired in about the same period, so I didn’t let down anyone. I passed on the remaining few to a former colleague and went traveling.

My husband Tom and I had an amazing year with everything we needed in the car, renting houses or apartments along the way. In hindsight, I should have been an affiliate partner then as well, so I could have built on my affiliate marketing experience. We both wrote every day on our blog about our adventures and discoveries. How well that would have fitted with the right links.

At the time I considered myself retired and even more so when we found our dream house in the south of Spain and resettled. LOL, after 2 months I had enough of retirement.

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Earn a Side Income as a Pensioner – Become an Affiliate

Earn a Side Income as a Pensioner - Become an Affiliate

Is it necessary to earn a side income as a pensioner? Maybe.

Usually we only find out after retirement whether we have a good pension or not. Unless you were a specialist in the field of pensions or have had a very good financial education. Then you probably knew exactly on forehand what you would get after being pensioned, and for how long.

Also, sometimes the agreements about pensions are changed in the meantime, as happened to Tom and me – and all other Dutch people in our age group. Instead of getting a state pension at age 65, we got it at age 66 and 4 months. 

Neither Tom nor I were financial wizz kids, but we were lucky to have made at least some good decisions during our working life. That way we could survive those extra 16 months on our savings.

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Compare Web Hosting Providers – a Review of Namecheap and Siterubix

Compare Web Hosting Providers - a Review of Namecheap and Siterubix

When did I make my first website? I can’t remember exactly, it must have been 1995 or 1996. I don’t even remember which hosting providers I had during all those years, but as you can imagine it were quite a few.

To compare web hosting providers I will stick to the 2 I have at the moment: Namecheap and Siterubix. Your first question will probably be, why I have 2? Well, that’s a coincidence. 

My and my husband’s websites were hosted by Namecheap, when I joined the Wealthy Affiliate community. Siterubix is an integral component of Wealthy Affiliate and my new websites are hosted there.

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Review of the Home Business Academy – Sales Funnels or Revenues?

The Home Business Academy

The Home Business Academy is a monthly membership, made to make the building of a sales funnel easy, yet it’s also meant as a way to earn residual income as an affiliate.

In 20 Ideas on how to make money after retirement, I mention both online and offline possibilities to make money. For both offline and online endeavours, it’s good to have sales funnels in place. I’ll explain in this article what a sales funnel is.

In this review of the Home Business Academy, I’ll also go in-depth on what it means to be an affiliate. To be an affiliate of a product is not on my original list of ideas. So, it makes a perfect Idea #21. I did mention being an affiliate in How to make money from your hobby or passion? but that was more as a side note. 

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About Us

Hannie Mommers

Hello! We are Hannie and Tom, and we are so glad to meet you here.

Some people have a bias against ageing people that we deeply resent. “Old and worn-out”. Well, we are far from that and I am sure you feel the same way.

When they describe this worn-out situation in the Netherlands, where we come from, the saying is: Oh, that one is only sitting behind the geraniums.

Well, no geraniums for us. At least not to sit next to, because the flowers are beautiful of course. 🙂

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