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2018.03.21 Sunny goodbyes

Today was our last day in Canillas de Aceituno and we were lucky: the sun has been shining all day. The wind is still cold, but nevertheless, it was wayyyy better than when it’s raining. We said goodbye to the shopkeepers where we got our groceries. (Our favorite restaurant is closed on Wednesdays so we … Read more

2018.03.19 Composition of roofs

What I like most about those mountain villages is the ‘organized chaos’ of the houses. In the Netherlands, we were used to neat rows with as only variation some rows that were placed perpendicular to them. All roofs parallel to each other. Over here there can even be three directions in the roof of one … Read more

2018.03.14 Protecting tiles

Something I like about the village we temporarily live in is the way they decorate their houses. It’s not purely meant as decoration, the function is the protection of the walls against moisture and water. Hence, they only tile the first meter from the ground up. It is funny though. I like to see these … Read more