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Unexpected Secrets for a Happy Marriage

Unexpected Secrets for a Happy Marriage

Tom and I celebrated our 45th anniversary in 2021. For a long time, we hardly celebrated our anniversaries, which isn’t very smart. Because if we don’t celebrate our successes and acknowledge them, we diminish them. That’s one of the secrets for a happy marriage: celebrate!

Being together for such a long time and still being curious about each other and loving and respecting each other can be marked as quite an accomplishment.

This year was special because we had to deal with a Fase 1 Flexibilizada lockdown and its restrictions. We used to eat out on our wedding anniversary day, but during the lockdown, the restaurants were partly closed. They were only allowed to open the terrace, not the inside, and we don’t want to be on the terrace with smokers all around us.

We did go out though – we went to the bakery for bread and en passant we took tea with cake in a corner.

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Healthy Lifestyle: 25 Tips on How to Spend Leisure Time

Healthy Lifestyle: 25 Tips on How to Spend Leisure Time

Maybe Tom and I are crazy, I don’t know. We are pensioners nowadays, we should be sitting in a chair looking outside what the neighbors are up to, right? Instead of what we are doing now: working on our websites, I am designing a couple of things, Tom is finishing his thesis.

My guess is, as long as we are both having fun, we’re OK. The only thing we really need to be aware of is to not work for too long. Leisure time is important.

All the more now we are in lockdown on an almost regular basis and restricted in our movements, it’s important to consciously spend leisure time together.

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How to Make a Successful Facebook Page and Get More Likes

How to Make a Successful Facebook Page and Get More Likes

For ages, I have had websites with a lot of articles about my different endeavors. And like everybody else, I want my articles to get read by interested people. Making it at some point necessary to make an accompanying Facebook page.

It is not that hard to make a page. But very soon 2 questions will pop up:

  • How to make a successful Facebook page?
  • How do I get more likes on my page and my posts?

There are other Social Media that can be helpful if you want to promote your website. For this article, I concentrate on Facebook, because I’m more familiar with this medium.

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11 Steps to Start a Website for Personal or Business Use

11 Steps to Start a Website for Personal or Business Use

When you start something new, all the required steps can be overwhelming to say the least. And this is especially the case when you want to start a new website. I want to break down this complicated process for you in 11 steps.

I won’t promise that makes it easier, but it surely will give you a bigger sense of control, which does wonders for your peace of mind. A relaxed mind can be more creative and productive than a stressed one.

In this article I describe 11 steps to start a website. I will add some information to each step. Either by describing it here or by providing the link to an extensive article I wrote about that specific issue.

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11 Simple Steps to Change your Life no Matter what Age you are

11 Simple Steps to Change your Life no Matter what Age you are

We all need inspiration. Some find it in religion, others in being a volunteer. Some are participating in politics, or join a single-issue movement. Either choice is great, as long as you leave other people the freedom of choice as well.

Unfortunately, I also see people my age coming to a standstill. No inspiration left. Tired of the efforts of their past work. No hobbies and no idea what to do with the rest of their lives.

“In the absence of any special circumstances, the mortality rates for voluntarily retired workers during the first year or two of retirement are considerably higher than the general level that otherwise might be expected…” (ssa.gov)

Giving your life meaning is essential. And if you don’t have inspiration, it sure helps if you actively seek it. What are steps to change your life?

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