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2018.05.08 What’s inside?

In the south of Spain, there are an awful lot of plastic greenhouses. They are ugly. If I am driving past I just see the roofs and I have always wondered what is inside. And now I know: nothing! 🙂 OK, to be honest, the neighboring greenhouses harbored tomatoes. And I didn’t take this picture … Read more

2018.01.29 Sharing and caring

What is different In the Netherlands, our lives were a bit more separated than here in Spain. Tom did the shopping. He had to go to Amsterdam on a regular basis. He visited his friends.I visited my friends. Had walks with some of them or lunches together. Over here we have much more activities we … Read more

2018.01.22 Beach walk

On our daily walk today we went from Almuñecar past Cotobro, almost to Marina del Este. A fantastic walk. There were several calas (little beaches surrounded by rocks) that were connected by built paths. Not only beautiful but because of the stony beaches also very good exercise for our ankles. The sun is absolutely amazing … Read more

2017.12.29 Soar muscles

Finally, after a week of muscle pain in my hips and tushi, I could walk up and down the mountain without groaning! These daily walks are really good for my physical condition. And I am proud of myself that I didn’t let Tom’s illness interfere, but walked anyway. Tom started his walking today after a … Read more

2017.11.11 Dog shit

Just 300 meters from our house is this tiny wood. It’s called “Van Mierlo bosje”. Van Mierlo was a famous Dutch politician who was born in our little village. Unfortunately, it’s a dog walking place, so we don’t walk here very often. I don’t like dogshit under my shoes. I am not going to miss … Read more