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Las Tablas de Daimiel, One of the Unique National Parks of Spain

Las Tablas de Daimiel, One of the Unique National Parks of Spain

When I was doing the research for information about National Park Las Tablas de Daimiel, I realized this again is an article about a swamp. Like Insel Hombroich in Germany is a swamp. And that, while I really love all kinds of landscapes. 🙂

I have to admit that once we adore a place – be it a city, a museum or a landscape – we tend to revisit it often. In a museum the temporary exhibitions will be different each time. A landscape changes with the seasons and with the type of weather that can be extremely different in some years.

We went back only a few months after our 2017 visit to experience the difference of the Tablas after 2 months of excessive rainfall. And different it was!

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2018.08.31 El Mirador de Los Pepineros

And again all stuff has to be packed because we’re moving. It’s at least the tenth time this year. Because we stayed at all kinds of different places, we now feel like real nomads. This is not a reference to the motor club but to the small tribes that cross the desert. Or any other … Read more

2018.06.05 Living in Spain

Living in Spain is a challenge. That’s nice because otherwise, you might get bored quickly and easily. For all the other reasons it’s wise to talk a lot with people who have already been living in Spain for quite some time. In the picture, we sit on the terrace of the Hacienda Golf Resort near … Read more

2018.05.28 Nazarenos

When I was a child in the sixties of the 20th century I loved to watch the TV series Pipo de Clown. Together with his wife Mamaloe and daughter Petra they traveled through the world and experienced all kinds of adventures. A donkey called Nononono pulled their gypsy cart. Although Pipo was a clown, he … Read more

2018.05.12 Pigshit

Spain is well stored with archaeological sites. Less well-known are agricultural archaeological sites. Like the one you see in the picture. It’s an iron pole that is connected to two other iron poles with a plastic curtain. The use of these poles and the plastic curtain are much debated and even contested in the world … Read more

2018.05.08 What’s inside?

In the south of Spain, there are an awful lot of plastic greenhouses. They are ugly. If I am driving past I just see the roofs and I have always wondered what is inside. And now I know: nothing! 🙂 OK, to be honest, the neighboring greenhouses harbored tomatoes. And I didn’t take this picture … Read more

2018.04.26 Windmills and dead cactuses

The hills that carry the windmills you see in the picture border the Atlantic Ocean. There literally are over a hundred of them. They are all the same and probably at least 100 meters high. The reason why these mills are there is obvious. There are always strong winds on this coast. And a lot … Read more

2018.04.09 Light at the end of the tunnel!

They did warn us [13] Finally some positive news. No, this is not about a change in the weather. Which is not to be expected until we leave Madrid in one week and a half. At the moment it almost freezes at night. During the day temperatures do not exceed 8 degrees Celsius. A cold … Read more