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2018.10.14 Yoga with kids

For my morning exercises, I have 3 routines I do alternately. One is all kinds of stretching exercises, the second is power training with weights (actually 2 water bottles, because my halters are in the storage), and the third is yoga. Son and grandsons also do yoga, so one of the mornings they were here, … Read more

2018.10.11 How to surprise a grandmother

I was in the shower this morning when I heard children’s voices. The walls are paper-thin, so I thought they were at the neighbor’s house. Until suddenly there was banging on the bathroom door. Opening the door there were 2 bright faces in front of me. I couldn’t believe my eyes and thought I was … Read more

2018.08.22 A successor in the family

The youngest loves to draw (yeah, finally a successor!). Sometimes he points out what he is drawing, but at most you can recognize it in the dimensions, not in the shape. For example, he says while he is drawing 4 lines next to each other: ” This is daddy, this is mummy, this is Diego, … Read more

2018.07.05 Go to the beach, have fun, repeat

Unfortunately, we have to come to the conclusion that our grandsons are Spanish builders, not Dutch ones. Instead of building dikes and canals, they like to stampede on the castillos that daddy and oma build. It’s not that we mind that much as long as they are having fun. And since the sun returned after … Read more

2018.06.30 Swimming pool fun

Today was an excellent day. The family – son plus grandchildren – arrived very early giving us ample time to play. The highlight of the day was of course the swimming pool. They both have some kind of life jacket to make sure they don’t drown. And we made sure to don’t drag them into … Read more

2018.06.14 Poppies and windmills

Long distances are bo-o-o-ring. At least in my opinion. But this time I enjoyed myself very much. The landscape between Madrid and Albacete is my kind of landscape. Sloping and colorful. It’s an agricultural part of Spain with a great variety of uncultivated brown, green or yellow fields. But the best parts were the poppy … Read more

2018.06.12 The biggest joy

Today we traveled north to be able to celebrate the birthday of the eldest one tomorrow. Such a delight, now he is getting a bit older, that he can really enjoy our visit and was anticipating our coming almost as much as he is anticipating his birthday. Coming out of school he started talking and … Read more